About Curius and Curiusity


Humans , Animals and any creature in earth that has some kind of brain is made to be Curius.
God has done so for what purpose?
Just we are like this andi think is good so.
Wihout been curius I think itr`s my opinion that we will not improve are life and we did`t made the biggest discovery on our Planet.
curisity was that made people to travel to emigrate to see uknown things uknown world`s which till that time existed only in human fantasy.
I think since stoneage times where people emmigrate threw all over the World trying to find better condition for Life and to please their Curiusity.
I`m talking about people thre all centurys and time.

Without been Curius i repeat Human been wll not been able to descover the biggest disovery of all history.without been curius Bernro Magelan woud`t travel threw around the World.
Cristoffer Columbo coudn`t discover America

BEn  Franklin could`t Discover Electricity !
Shekspir coudn`T create he`s best novels!
Einstein would`t descover Theory of Relativity!
Stev Job would`t invent IPHONe !

Could you imagine How our life would be without   Telephone ,computer, Internet  , Google ,Facebook?

Here are some of Discovery`S of Human Kind which shows how Curiosity efected on human mind to discover such things:
In procentage is shown which are most important discovery of human kind!

Automobiles /Cars14.00%
Airplanes / Aircraft/Helicopter/14.00%
Penicillin/Other Drug28.00%
Printing Press416.00%
Steam-powered machines14.00%
Sattelite Grid14.00%

Mann couldn`t fly to the Monn when curisity for uknown world was`t there in humans mind !
Bethowen, Mozart  and even Michael Jackson wouldn`t create their Masterpieces in Music without been Curius......
Pele woudn`t score many goals!
Life would be boring without man been Curius and probably woud not bee  world of Today!

So to me been curius is nothing that some kind of  Engine which pushes us toward uknown and wenn we rich to the terrritory of uknown we decover it then we don`t stop but we continue further and further thank to our Curiosity ! 

But our wish to go further will not stop forever till our human kind exist on Earth!

SYNONYMS   curious, inquisitive, snoopy, nosy. 

These adjectives apply to persons who show a marked desire for information or knowledge. Curious most often apply an avid desire to know or learn, though it can suggest prying. 

Albanian word for curiosity is:Kurrechtje ose Kuriozitet

Here are some :